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What you need to know about


Sexting refers to the distribution of nude/sexually explicit pictures and messages via text and picture messages.

Girl texting on bed

Follow this Tips to Prevent Sexting:

Think about who will see it!

Never take images of yourself that you wouldn’t want everyone to see.

Think before hitting SEND!

Remember – once you post it, send it, or text it – you cannot take it back. You have no control over where the image goes on the internet or among your friends. You cannot pull it back and shred it once the SEND button is activated.

Think about the consequences!

If you are convicted of a felony you lose your right to vote and own firearms. Your decision may deny you employment or higher education. This choice will follow you the rest of your life.


Young people need to know that they can approach a trusted adult for help, should they fall victim to exploitation without fear of reprimand.